Sunday, June 29, 2014

In Which Introductions and Decisions are Made Part 6

"They have a lease, which you signed, that states that you and only you must give them notice and then they have 30 days to vacate the premises," Squig interrupted leaning against the guard rail.  "So legally, there was nothing we could do.  I'm just glad that only two of the girls decided to stay."

"Actually you only have one that's a problem," Harlan continued, finding his nerve and placing his had back on his head. "It's that Diane Tailer you have to worry about."  

He stopped abruptly, noticing the look on Trixie's face. "So," he said looping his claws through his belt and rocking back and forth on his heals. "word of her nasty mouth and skanky ways has spread across this country to the east coast. I'm not surprised, not surprised at all to hear that she's notorious."

"What are skanky ways, dad?" Annie asked pulling on his shirt to get her attention.

"Ways that aren't very nice," he responded distractedly.  He had forgotten all about that damn lease.  Now he personally was going to have to go over there and evict them. This boondoggle could not be conveniently shuffled off to Sqigman, like he'd hoped.

"Dad do I have skanky ways?" Annie asked pulling on his shirt again.

"No," Dweezil and Squig said in unison.

"Does Uncle Squig have skanky ways?" she asked impishly.

"Watch it Dweeze. Think very carefully before you answer that." Squig said softly narrowing his eyes.

"Why no Annabelle," Dweezil answered benignly, "your uncle has many curious ways, but I wouldn't say skanky was one of them."

"Well then who's got skanky ways," she sang out, hopping around swinging her arms in time to her song. "Do youse and youse and youse got skanky ways. "

"Annabelle that will be enough."

"Grandmom," Annie said swiveling around to face her.  This is so cool.  "Diane Tailer has skanky ways, but there's no fornication going on in dad's building.  Cousin Harlan who's removed crawled up the side of the building like a bat and peaked in all the windows, so he knows.

What does fornication mean and how could cousin Harlan who's removed do that?  Does he have sticky stuff on his paws? Do you think he could teach me how to do that even though I don't have sticky stuff on my paws.  Could we go buy some sticky stuff, so I could go building crawling with him. I'm so glad we came here.  This is so exciting."


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