Saturday, June 14, 2014

In Which Introductions and Decisions are Made Part 4

Squig turned and looked directly into Trixie's eyes.  She had changed.  It was slight, but she had changed. There was a new softness about her.   And the only word for how she looked in her cream linen trousers and white silk blouse was elegant.  He felt momentarily awkward and at a loss for words. 

Blushing slightly, he wrapped his paws around her and gathered her close. Sighing, she melted into him and whispered, "I have missed you so much."

"Me, too," he answered, "I am so damn glad you're here." He was about to kiss her when the harrumphing and throat clearing started up again.

"Miss Pixie," Harlan started, pushing Squig aside and  pumping her paw.

"Her name is Trixie," Squig hissed. "How many times do I have to tell you, her name is Trixie, not Pixie."

"Well now Miss Trixie," he started over. "If you ain't the prettiest thing I've seen all year.  That photo the Boss has on his desk just don't do you justice.  Look at you.  All I can say, is that old Sheriff Squigman better keep his eye on you, cause once the cowboys get a good look, there's going to be a stampede over to the restaurant.  There's been a drought in this here town and you are like the gentle rains of springtime." The last bit was said with a lot of insincere sighing and many longing glances.

Squig was getting more and more annoyed and felt like getting out his muck boots, since Harlan's bullshit was getting so deep.   Then he looked over at Trixie laughing and felt an overwhelming urge to choke him.

  "Well now," she smiled, "Aren't you just the flatterer, and giving him a sideways look asked, "And just who are you."

"Oh that's Deputy Katz," Annie replied helpfully.  "Only he wants to be called Cousin Harlan, whose removed."

"One of your waifs and strays? "Trixie whispered wrapping her paw around Squig.  "How do you manage to collect so many?"

"It's a genetic defect," he grumbled and I'm thinking of contacting NIH and seeing if they'd like to do study, in the hopes of finding a cure.  It's either that or form a twelve step program.  Or," he thought to himself cheerfully watching his friend exiting the train, "I could just put the whole mess in the very capable paws of Mr. Dweezil Felinerino."

"Welcome to the west, bro," he called out.  "I'd like you to meet my deputy, Harlan T. Katz."


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