Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Well now that we've had our little moment of hilarity," Bob said smiling, as he watched Harlan slink deeper into his seat, Ms. Sally Alba, Vice Principal of the Katz City School  has more good news to share with us. Ms. Alba would you like to come on up and tell us your news?"

Sally, stood up, smoothed down her skirt and walked over to the podium.  Trying to smile confidently, speaking in public had always made her nervous, she began. "I am pleased to let all of you know that we have hired a Guidance Counselor for the school.  Ms. Yvette Filinerino comes to us with a great deal of experience..."

"What did you just say," Harlan shouted as he jumped out of his seat.

"Ms. Yvette Felinerino comes to us with a great deal of experience," Sally said distinctly as she glared at him.

"Your damn straight she's coming to our town with a great deal of experience.  Experience in selling teenaged kitten into sex slavery."

"Come again," Sally said forcing herself not to start howling with laughter.  This place really was unbelievable.

"It's a mafia plot and you, with all of your high and might learning, just fell into their clutches."

"Oh really, Harlan," would you like to explain this to me." she asked sweetly,  Why don't you enlighten me as to how I fell right into the mafia's clutches.  Does this have anything to do with orangutans, or maybe it's chimpanzees, or gorilla's.  I seem  to recall hearing about a gang that called themselves, gorillas. "

"Don't do it." Bob thought staring at her," don't get Harlan started after I've just gotten him stopped."

"Alright, since you asked I will." he responded, marching up to the podium and pushing her out of the way.

"Folks,: he began, "we just heard how a Mr. Weazel Felinerino has gone and bought himself the Cat House. And now we find out that his sister, Yvette is the new guidance counselor over at the school.  She'll be guiding them all right.  She'll have our pretty teenaged kittens guided right over to the Cat House, where her brother will sell them into sex slavery.  And they won't stop with the pretty ones, oh no they'll sell the fat and ugly ones into a life of domestic servitude.  Our peaceful little town will be a den of crime and corruption."

"Harlan if you don't shut up right now," Bob hissed turning himself into Biggest Bob, "I am going to arrest you myself for slander, disturbing the peace and anything else I can think of that will get your mouth off the streets."

And with that the meeting erupted into chaos.

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