Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Is everything ready Paul,"  Bob Histon said looking down the tracks.  The 3:00 train from Denver should be here any minute

"The marching band is ready to go, but I'm afraid we've had a bit of a problem with our twirlers and swirlers," Paul responded, wrapping his scarf a little tighter.  There was a chill wind coming off the mountains this afternoon.  But the sun was strong and it was beginning to look a bit like spring.

"What happened.  You know I wanted everything perfect for our new Sheriff."

"Well during rehearsal, Brandy inadvertently swirled her flag into Kara, who supposedly accidentally swirled her flag right back, knocking Brandy's glasses off, so we thought it might be safer if we just left off the swirlers for now."

"And the twirlers?"

"Well, Mia and Emma had been practicing throwing the batons up in the air and catching them, but during our final rehearsal both were distracted by the boys lacrosse team and somehow managed to toss their batons into the 4H pig pens and now won't touch them.  I had both batons surgically scrubbed by the future nurses club, but they still won't go near them.

"This whole town has been Harlanized," Bob thought to himself with disgust, "But I am going to turn this place around, if I have to single pawedly replace everyone in it."

"But we still have our marching band," Paul said nervously.  His contract was up at the end of the year and didn't like the look on the mayor's face. "And our banner turned out.  Everything's going to be fine, Bob."

"It better be," he hissed back "because the train is here."

Both cats turned and watched the train pull in and stop.  The passenger car door opened and the conductor walked out, pulled down the stairs, and then help a tall, youngish looking black cat wearing a Baltimore Ravens jacket remove his luggage from the train.  The black cat tipped the conductor and then turned and smiled at them.

"It's him," Bob said excited as extending his paw, he hurried towards the newcomer."

"Welcome to Kaza City, Son." he said shaking the other cat's paw. "I'm Mayor Bob Histon."

"I'm Squig Igmieukowski," he replied, "And I'm glad to be here."

And with that, Paul Kirki punched a number in his cell phone and the band began to play.

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