Sunday, August 31, 2014

Opening Day - Part 6

"Arrest him," both cats hissed in unison, pointing their claws at each other.

Squig carefully considered the situation in front of him.  Then arching an eyebrow, and sighing deeply, he reached into his pocket and retrieved his badge.  Pinning it onto his sweater, he walked towards what he would later call the Friday night situation.  The fact that Harlan had somehow insinuated himself into the middle of it, meant that this boondoggle was thoroughly messed up and would take the patience of a saint to untangle.

"So," he asked in his much practiced friendly but firm tone of voice. "Would someone like to tell me what's going on here?"

They both started talking at once, so Squig reached back into his pocket, took out his police whistle and gave it a hearty blow.

"One at a time, gentlemen," he said once they'd quieted down.  "You on the floor, " he poked Jack with the toe of his boot.  "Let's start with you.  "Now what are you doing lying down here on Mr. Felinerino's floor, with his boot on your stomach?"

"He actually put his paws on me, flipped me over his shoulder, and landed me on the floor. "  His face was turning an interesting shade of purple as spit out his story.

"Now why would Mr. Felinerino want to that?  Besides practicing his karate.  He has a black belt you know.  Oh, " he continued,  noticing the shocked look on the cat's face. You didn't know?  Well I guess you do now.  So let's try this again.  Why would Mr Felinerino want to flip you over his shoulder and land you like a trout on the floor of his bar?"

"Because he talked real mean to Lyla,"  Harlan interjected.

"Harlan,"  Squig snapped losing his patience.  "I did not ask for your opinion and I want you to keep your mouth closed until I do."

"Mr. Felinerino did that, Squigman," Dweezil interjected with an extra thump on Jack's stomach , because this jackwad came into my bar, humiliated my sweetest barmaid, ordered an expensive beer he had no intention of paying for, and then hurled said beer in my face.  I actually had no choice.  It was either that or shoot him."

"Dweeze, I mean Mr. Felinerino, you are not doing yourself any favors by talking like that."

"Squigman, Dweeze," Jack squawked, trying to squirm his way out from under Dweezil's boot. You two are friends," he sneered raising his head and attempting to stare each of then down. "There's no law enforcement going on here.  I am Jack Katz," he roared, "and my damn family owns this town."

"Your wrong on both counts, Jack Katz." Squig said calmly staring him down.   "When it comes to the law I am a friendless orphan, and considering that his is not a medieval fief, but a 21st century town in the United States, I can say with a great deal of assurance that the tax payers own this town, not your family."

The patrons stopped trying to look small and insignificant. This was the first time in town history that anyone had ever stood up to a Katz.  Could it be that things were going to change?

".What do you mean my family doesn't own this town?" Jack snarled, puffing himself and laying back his ears as well as a cat could who was pinned to the floor.  Once this asshole lets me up, I'll show you who owns this town."  His face was turning that interesting color of purple again,

"Are you threatening me, Jack Katz?" Squig asked, kneeling down to look directly into his eyes,

"You're damn straight I am.  And once I'm on my feet, you're going to find out why the town gives me all the respect I deserve."

"Then you Jack Katz have just made a big mistake," Squig said standing up. "Harlan," he continued tossing his car keys to him, "Go out to my car and open up my trunk.  Both pair of cuffs are in a box up front. Bring them in and we'll see what Mr. Katz has to say for himself."

"Right away, boss," Harlan laughed as he went out to the car.

"Jack Katz," Squig quoted kneeling back down, "You have the right to remain silent.  You have the right to have an attorney present as anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  If you can't afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.."

"You can't do this."  Jacked screamed.  "I'm a Katz and you can't do this."

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