Sunday, August 17, 2014

Opening Day Part 4

Carefully wiping his paws on his apron, Dweezil scanned the bar to see what was the matter.  It didn't take too long to figure out that the cat that Diane was glaring at had something to do with the huddle in the corner.   All of his wait staff were congregated there comforting a distraught Lyla, who looked like she had just lost her best friend.

"Diane." he asked archly, "what's going on?"

"This asshole," she sneered pointing at Jack.  "Insulted Lyla and made her cry. But that wasn't the end of it," she shook her head for emphasis. "Oh no, not being content with breaking her heart, he came over here, demanded our best IPA and then refused to pay for it."

Dweezil sighed.  Every instinct he had told him to go over to that oddly familiar looking cat, turn him upside down, shake the seven dollars out of his pockets, and then kick him to the curb.   But he had a bar to run and this was probably what the cops would call a domestic disturbance, so he decided to take the conciliatory tact.

Crossing the bar, he placed a paw on Jack's jacket and said, "Now, I'm sure we can work this out.  I guess being not familiar with the cost of a prime IPA, the price came to you as a shock.  So this being my opening day, I'm only going to  charge you the cost of an average beer.  Diane don't you think $2.50 should do it." He smiled over at her and continued as he attempted to guide Jack over to the huddle in the 

"Now that we're all on the same page, why don't you go on over and apologize to the lady cat.  I'm assuming that the two of you had some sort of little squabble and it never hurts to be the first to say I'm sorry."

"No, " Jack said smiling nastily,

"No, " Dweezil said staring him down, "And may I ask why not?"

"Being that your new here,"  Jack said holding his ground. "You are obviously unaware of the power of my name and my standing in the community.  So for the sake of your instruction, here's the deal.  I do not pay for beers and I do not date whores."

"I don't care if your name is Barack Ocatama and your standing in the White House," Dweezil explained in a benign tone of voice.  But it was the benign tone of voice that generally had those that knew him well, heading for cover.  When you come to my place, I expect you to follow two simple rules.  And they are.."


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