Sunday, February 23, 2014

Suzette Katz hoisted herself up on top of the mahogany bar and surveyed her girls. She quickly felt a wave of nostalgia for the good times this place had given her.  But like all good times, this too must come to an end.

"Little gals," she announced, "I am calling this staff meeting to announce that I am hanging up my spurs and moving down to Florida to live with my sister, Cindy."  she watched as the meaning of what she had just said sank in. She saw shock flit from face to face and finally land on little Pearl who seemed to be having trouble figuring out what all this meant, so she decided that more clarification was in order.

"Now I know that the Katz City Cat House has been owned by a female member of the Katz family ever since my great, great grandmother, Louella figured out that there was a great deal of money to be made by servicing all  of the appetites of the mining community."  That comment drew a few chortles as she knew it would.

"But times have changed since the heyday of the whore house.  What with the caternet and morals in general heading south, it's become almost impossible for the community whore house to break even. And that's a sad comment on society if I do have to say so myself." she continued wiping away a tear.

"So I have sold this building to a Mr. Dweezil Felinerino and he will be taking possession on April 1st.  I think that date's kind of fitting," she said blowing her nose into the lace hanky she always carried with her.

"But what's going to happen to us." Peal piped up. "What are we going to do." She was wringing her paws and looked on the verge of tears.

"Now I don't want you little gals to worry.  I have suggested to Mr. Felinerino that he might want to keep my experienced waitresses on staff. You still are going to have your rooms upstairs and our ad on the caternet ain't going anywhere.  So what you do in your rooms is your business and who you date is your business.  So for the next little while, the only thing that's going to change is that your johns will be paying you directly instead of me. And that can only mean more money for you. "

The majority of the girls started whispering excitedly among themselves.  Obviously freelancing was going to suit them just fine.  Only little Pearl still looked upset. "That poor little nitwit has only one client and unfortunately for everyone involved that client is my good for nothing nephew Scooter.  Oh well, " she thought to herself, "It's time she grew up and Scooter got his paws smacked.

So ladies, I can see this here news is sitting well with everyone. And it's my sincere wish that all of you end up on top.  Unless, of course, " she winked, "You prefer to end up on the bottom."

And with that the room erupted into laughter.

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