Sunday, July 20, 2014

In Which Introductions and Decisions Are Made - Part 9

"Now Mam, " Harlan wheedled, "this is a small town and word has a way of getting out."

"Don't you dare mam me," Yvette hissed, poking him in the stomach for emphasis.

"Well then Miss," Harlan began and faltered at the stink eye aimed directly at  him.  "Er Ms." he stammered. And noticing that wasn't going over either, for once was at a total loss for words. Sweating profusely, he stammered, "Well then what in blazes am I supposed to call you?  I cain't hardly call you Mr or Sir, seeing as your a lady cat, or at least I think you are."

"You will not address me at all,"  Yvette hissed.  You will keep your large mouth shut for once and listen. 

Bending down until her face was directly in front of his, "She whispered, "Do not think that I don't know who it was who felt compelled to stand up at a town hall meeting and allege that I was part of some sex trade ring.  I believe the phrase was, that as the high school guidance councilor; I would make it my job to guide the innocent kittens from the school to the bordello."  The last phrase was enunciated clearly and punctuated by several jabs to the stomach with her claws.

Harlan paled, and for a puce colored cat that was not easy to do. If he was sweating before, it was nothing compared to the river pouring down his face.

"I wanted to get my lawyer to sue you for slander.  But Sheriff Igmeuwkowski convinced me not to.  But if in some lame brain attempt to make yourself look less ant like, rumors would filter out about Ms. Tailer and Ms. Simpkins, who are trying to change their lives, I wouldn't hesitate to prosecute you to the full extent of the law.   Do I make myself clear." She demanded, poking him three or four more times just in case he had any lingering doubts about the gravity of the situation.

"Now Miss Yvette, I promise to do everything in my power to keep nasty rumors from circulating.  You can count on me," He finished with a great deal of hand wringing and sincere emotion.

"Good," she smiled sweetly. "I'm glad we understand each other.  Now I expect you to be a regular at Dweezil's and a great help to us all."

"Yes, Miss Yvette, I will Miss Yvette, like I said, Miss Yvette, you can count on me.  I will do everything I can to help you all settle in and your restaurant be the talk of the town.  In a good way, he stuttered.  I mean in a really good way."

"Well I am glad," she said helping him to his feet.  "Now tell me, is it true that you can climb up the side of a building like a bat?"

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